Perplexity :: Sonifications

Tuesday, 18th of June 2024 – the second edition of the perplexity events is taking place at De Krook in Ghent. A tribute to micro-organisms, this micro festival explores bacteria and sounds. It features a rich selection of performances, lectures, installations, and invites for conversations around the ethics and aesthetics of microbiological life forms. The event is a collaboration between University of Ghent, IPEM (Institute … Continue reading Perplexity :: Sonifications

Attuning to the Deep

Following an article written about the upcoming idea of deep sea mining and a proposal around how to do bioethics towards the unknown, a workshop was developed together with Kristien Hens and Bartaku. On invitation by Matthijs De Block, the first edition was a try out with 17 students from LUCA school of arts in Gent, from various disciplines and backgrounds. The workshop is based … Continue reading Attuning to the Deep

Fieldnotes in Lappland

In the autumn of 2023, the Bioart Society of Finland organized a fieldnotes trip to Kilpisjärvi. It was one of the series called Fieldnotes, a group event with a tight program. This year, the topic was “The North Escaping” and in my subgroup we were exploring the concept of deep time as well as aspects connected to intangible phenomena – around attunement, sleep and the … Continue reading Fieldnotes in Lappland

What does watercress dream about?

The watercress farm in Laken (Brussels) transformed into a stage and a workshop. Engaging with the toxic history, the topography of the land and the current operations of the place – farming of a healthy vegetable – were the starting point for our performance-event. The polyphony of distinct voices that overlapped, mixed, shaped, distorted, and reordered each other was presented on the 22nd of October … Continue reading What does watercress dream about?

Armpit Bread

Sourdough can be seen as a marriage between humankind and grains. It is archaic as well as contemporary and there are numerous sourdough tastes, depending on the location and the process, the age of the dough, the makers and bakers. But how much does the baker really influence the bread? When kneading the bread with your hands, you are adding your hand-biome, the unique consortium … Continue reading Armpit Bread

Microbiome Event, GUM

A previously unknown world of microbes is being revealed by current discoveries in many different fields. What is discovered drastically changes the way we understand ourselves. How can these tiny creatures inform our lives? Where do we encounter them? How can we live in symbiosis? On June 7th, 2023, an international group of artists, researchers, and thinkers gathered people to think about these questions and create a platform for … Continue reading Microbiome Event, GUM

Flower Clock 2021

The installation “who will pollinate the flower clock” was commissioned by XXV Mänttä Contemporary Art Festival for the summer of 2021. It is a re-enactment of a concept that is attributed to Carl van Linné, an 18th century botanist who worked and lived in Uppsala, Sweden. In his botanic garden, he planted various flowers that would open and close their petals at certain moments of … Continue reading Flower Clock 2021

Vegetal Speed Dating, Event # 3

In front of the Museum Pekilo in Mänttä, the flower clock installation has been thriving in the Finnish summer, as part of the XXV Mänttä Contemporary Art Festival. On Friday 30th of July 2021, a performative event took place, right next to it, in collaboration with The Hot Box. It featured five flowering plants that were available for a romantic date – vegetal speed dating. … Continue reading Vegetal Speed Dating, Event # 3

L’utile, le nuisible et le Suisse

The useful, the harmful and the Swiss is a durational performance in Lausanne, Switzerland. Saturday 19.06.2021, 12h-19h The firebug is an insect that is easily encountered. However, despite his widespread appearance little is known about this creature.It impresses his predators and observers alike with a distinct black and red design, inspiring a variety of names for it, in French: le gendarme, le Suisse, le cordonnier, … Continue reading L’utile, le nuisible et le Suisse

Who Will Pollinate the Flower Clock

“Who will pollinate the Flower Clock” is an installation and an invitation to decelerate, and tune into plant-time. The piece is exhibited at XXV Mänttä Art Festival throughout the summer of 2021. It is a reenactment of an inconclusive experiment by Carl van Linné. In the summer of 2021, a variation of Linnaeus’ flower clock is planted in front of the Museum Pekilo. The selection … Continue reading Who Will Pollinate the Flower Clock