Evolution in Action

Communities of Coexistence Group exhibition in Lähde library, Jyväskylä, Finland, from 7. 3. – 26. 3. 2023. A mini-symposium is scheduled on 23. 3. 2023. What is the language of lichen? How do biological interactions shape the evolution of organisms and maintain biodiversity?What can we learn from the social life of microbial communities, or what kind of cultures build from human-insect interaction?How do the disciplines … Continue reading Evolution in Action

Autumn in Mänttä

At the end of September the Flowerclock was in full bloom. The autumn in Finland has been mild with no frosts. For the ending of the season, a full day at the installation was reserved with some harvesting of seeds, flowers, roots – some colours, shapes and of course: greeting of the visitors from the insect world. The harvesting took place on September 30th 2021. … Continue reading Autumn in Mänttä

Flower Clock 2021

The installation “who will pollinate the flower clock” was commissioned by XXV Mänttä Contemporary Art Festival for the summer of 2021. It is a re-enactment of a concept that is attributed to Carl van Linné, an 18th century botanist who worked and lived in Uppsala, Sweden. In his botanic garden, he planted various flowers that would open and close their petals at certain moments of … Continue reading Flower Clock 2021

Building the Flower Clock

In May 2021, the flower clock installation was set up in Mänttä (Finland), in front of the Pekilo Museum. The installation consists of eleven different plants that are endemic to Finland, display circadian rhythms and are pollinator friendly. The installation is part of the XXV Mänttä Contemporary Art Festival. On the last weekend of July 2021, the performative intervention Vegetal Speed-Dating, Event Nr. 3 takes … Continue reading Building the Flower Clock

L’utile, le nuisible et le Suisse

The useful, the harmful and the Swiss is a durational performance in Lausanne, Switzerland. Saturday 19.06.2021, 12h-19h The firebug is an insect that is easily encountered. However, despite his widespread appearance little is known about this creature.It impresses his predators and observers alike with a distinct black and red design, inspiring a variety of names for it, in French: le gendarme, le Suisse, le cordonnier, … Continue reading L’utile, le nuisible et le Suisse