What does watercress dream about?

The watercress farm in Laken (Brussels) transformed into a stage and a workshop. Engaging with the toxic history, the topography of the land and the current operations of the place – farming of a healthy vegetable – were the starting point for our performance-event. The polyphony of distinct voices that overlapped, mixed, shaped, distorted, and reordered each other was presented on the 22nd of October … Continue reading What does watercress dream about?

L’utile, le nuisible et le Suisse

The useful, the harmful and the Swiss is a durational performance in Lausanne, Switzerland. Saturday 19.06.2021, 12h-19h The firebug is an insect that is easily encountered. However, despite his widespread appearance little is known about this creature.It impresses his predators and observers alike with a distinct black and red design, inspiring a variety of names for it, in French: le gendarme, le Suisse, le cordonnier, … Continue reading L’utile, le nuisible et le Suisse

Who Will Pollinate the Flower Clock

“Who will pollinate the Flower Clock” is an installation and an invitation to decelerate, and tune into plant-time. The piece is exhibited at XXV Mänttä Art Festival throughout the summer of 2021. It is a reenactment of an inconclusive experiment by Carl van Linné. In the summer of 2021, a variation of Linnaeus’ flower clock is planted in front of the Museum Pekilo. The selection … Continue reading Who Will Pollinate the Flower Clock

Durational Performance on a Crack

During the opening hours of the exhibition “Narratives of Imperfection” in SOLU, we worked on the cracks in the concrete floor of the back room. Kin Tsugi was the method, however it was a bit adapted for architectural applications. In the course of the weeks, many came to help and the floor became gold dusted over time. The golden cracks will stay as a permanent … Continue reading Durational Performance on a Crack

Tarja Halosen Puisto – reloaded

The centre of Helsinki has been enhanced with apiaries and bee colonies from Melliferopolis for many years. One venue is Tarja Halonen park – a grassy patch just in front of the City Theatre in Linnunlaulu, named after the former president of Finland. The spot is very visible, and became even more popular with the installation that has been set up there since 2016. The … Continue reading Tarja Halosen Puisto – reloaded

The Madonna of Vincenzo

It was not a bowl or plate, but a Madonna that Milena brought to the Kin Tsugi repair table in the piazza of Preci. Vincenzo felt immediately connected and took on the job. Lots of pieces were missing. Vincenzo and Milena did a small excursion to Milena’s house to look for additional fragments amongst the fallen household. The hands were missing and could not be … Continue reading The Madonna of Vincenzo

Residency in Preci, July 2018

During the residency in Preci, Italy, we transformed many objects together with the population of the village. On the big Piazza we installed a mobile laboratory on one of the beautiful wooden tables that Mael Veisse made for the project. The last day, after a collective walk to the ruins of Preci Alta  – the village struck by earthquake in 2016 – and a performance … Continue reading Residency in Preci, July 2018